I would like to start this post off by saying that cinnamon roll containers never, ever come with enough icing! But black coffee has never tasted better.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have early class, so my day begins at 6:45am. It's a rough life but, someone's got to do it. Since I'm already up and on my second cup of coffee, I decided to pop some cinnamon rolls into the oven while I reflected on my week.
I'm taking a sexual development class, that has turned out to be very interesting. At our last class we had a guess speaker from the counseling department on campus. It was a very intriguing lecture that stimulated some great thoughts. The one that stood out to me the most was that the lecturer said that life should be a balance of the five stages. Work, Society, Love, Leisure, and Spirituality.
Work, obviously, is what we do to be productive. Along with providing a means to support ourselves, it keeps us busy. It does not necessarily mean an actual job either, must of us are still students and we know how time consuming school can really be. Society is our means to socialize, not necessarily our true friends but, more along the lines of networking. Friendly "hello's" and ask to see what people are doing this weekend, not actually connecting with the person on a intimate level. Love, the special bonds we feel between people(i.e. Family, Friends, Other Halves). Leisure, is our down time, the free time we give ourselves. Then Spirituality, as the counselor explained did not necessarily mean religion. Even though religion definitely is a means of spirituality, but as she elaborated, it was our connection to things on a greater level than materialistically.
She asked us to draw our lives, in according to the five stages, into a pie chart. Now, mine for instance was dominated by work and society(almost 2/3 of my chart). Then in the last third was cramped with love, leisure, and spirituality. To achieve happiness in life she said that we need to maintain a balance of the stages. So I give you all this challenge to draw up your own pie chart and see how your life is according to these five stages.
Happy Graphing!