I'm back skanks! I went on a bit of a vacation from blogging. My apologies. I've been super busy with work and school. No worries though, nothing has changed in my life. I'm going home this weekend for my brother's and nephew's birthday party, it's sure to be a good time!
As many of you may recall in my last blog, I told you that I was going to try, as a new year's resolution, to watch at least one new movie a week. Since that post my resolution is going strong. I have watched FOUR since I have last blogged and no worries I will be sure to give my brutally honest opinion on all of the following.

The first of the new movie excursion begins with the Edge of Darkness, starring Mel Gibson. This movie was pretty intense, not going to lie. The story focuses on Mel Gibson's character as he searches to see why his activist daughter was murder at his front door.
The story line is fairly predictable but, I'm glad to say Mel's still got it. He's whooping ass through out the entire movie. There are a few parts that will make you jump out of your seat but, like I said, it's a fairly predictable movie. It ends on a "happy note" if you want to call it that.

After all that action from Edge of Darkness I needed a calm down, next in line Julie & Julia. And can I just add Meryl Streep, YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!!!! She was Julia Child in this movie. The voice, the look, everything. You are a damn Goddess among mortals. Now let's not be bias. Amy Adams did a fantastic job as well but, with your co-star being Hollywood royalty, you don't have much of a chance to shine.
The movie focused on two true stories that were interwind into one fantastic movie. The story of Julia Child is one that should be known far and wide! Then the eloquent effort put forth by Julie Powell to conquer Julia Child's french cook book. I will admit it got a little predictable on Powell's side of the movie, but I was a little butt hurt that the two never actually end up meeting. I almost assumed that they would be, alas I was wrong.

Next on the list of movies was Gamer. Now I was under the impression that this was going to be a good movie. Let me make myself quite plain. If you value time and money, DON'T RENT THIS!!!
Gerard Butler finally let us down world. This movie blew the big one. I was so confused the entire time and when the end finally came I was left there sitting completely confused.

Finally the last movie for this post, Alfie. Jude Law at his finest is more like it. This movie follows Jude through the streets of New York as being an infamous playboy.
The movie shows Jude going from girl to girl the entire time. The girls include Sienna Miller (SOOOOOO GORGEOUS!) and Susan Sarandon for a fifty plus women will make you give a double take. The bottom line of the movie comes to how after all this useless shagging Alfie is left with nothing and shows how that at some point in ones "adult" life they need to grow up.
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