Friday, January 29, 2010

Coffee, Cinnamon Roll, and Early Morning Ponderings

I would like to start this post off by saying that cinnamon roll containers never, ever come with enough icing!  But black coffee has never tasted better.

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have early class, so my day begins at 6:45am.  It's a rough life but, someone's got to do it.  Since I'm already up and on my second cup of coffee, I decided to pop some cinnamon rolls into the oven while I reflected on my week.

I'm taking a sexual development class, that has turned out to be very interesting.  At our last class we had a guess speaker from the counseling department on campus.  It was a very intriguing lecture that stimulated some great thoughts.  The one that stood out to me the most was that the lecturer said that life should be a balance of the five stages. Work, Society, Love, Leisure, and Spirituality.

Work, obviously, is what we do to be productive. Along with providing a means to support ourselves, it keeps us busy. It does not necessarily mean an actual job either, must of us are still students and we know how time consuming school can really be.  Society is our means to socialize, not necessarily our true friends but, more along the lines of networking. Friendly "hello's" and ask to see what people are doing this weekend, not actually connecting with the person on a intimate level.  Love, the special bonds we feel between people(i.e. Family, Friends, Other Halves).  Leisure, is our down time, the free time we give ourselves.  Then Spirituality, as the counselor explained did not necessarily mean religion.  Even though religion definitely is a means of spirituality, but as she elaborated, it was our connection to things on a greater level than materialistically.

She asked us to draw our lives, in according to the five stages, into a pie chart.  Now, mine for instance was dominated by work and society(almost 2/3 of my chart).  Then in the last third was cramped with love, leisure, and spirituality.  To achieve happiness in life she said that we need to maintain a balance of the stages.  So I give you all this challenge to draw up your own pie chart and see how your life is according to these five stages.

Happy Graphing!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Glee Me!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am doing this post only so you can know my current dream. And it truly is a stupendous dream.

I just finally caught the season finale of the latest Fox smash, Glee.  If you haven't already caught the buzz on Glee, I'll give a brief overview.  The show is set at an Ohio high school and it follows the, what had been, sad excuse for a Glee club.  Well the first season focused on Mr. Schuester becoming the new choir director and finally giving the students a shot at having a real show choir.  Of course they run into obstacles which include: unexpected pregnancy, fights over who deserves what solo, and the out of control cheer coach, Sue Sylvester. The show is packed with the latest hits, couple of oldies, and even a few broadway numbers.  Not only does the show have music, but the comedy is side splitting. I caught myself laughing out loud numerous times.  If you have not seen the show HULU IT immediately!

Now that you have got the run down on how the show works, I will continue on with my dream.

I was involved in my high school's fine arts department from freshmen to senior year.  That included show choir, regular choir, and countless play productions.  I, more or less, have a grasp on the whole thespian business.  So my dream entails me becoming the newest character to the Glee cast.  I have it already all planned out with some help from a good friend.  I will be Sue Sylvester's nephew.  I will be a transfer student from some large, talented city(i.e. New York, Los Angles, Chicago, etc..).  I will come in via Sue's request.  I will keep my true identity on the hush, hush.  I will enroll in the Glee club and become the new definition of diva, bitch, extraordinaire!  The character will not tolerate shit from any of the already established characters.  I will challenge Rachel for the captain of the club. Along with taking the trendy title from innocent Curt.  All while I'm trying to secretly destroy the choir.

I'm sure many of you all are wondering how I plan to accomplish this dream of mine.  Well, my dear friend, Khay and myself plan on moving to Hollywood immediately.  He has his hopes on meeting up with Kristen Cavallari from the Hills and I clearly have my goals set.  If any of you know a producer feel free to give me a holler.  Help make my dreams come true and I promise I'll include you all in my first Emmy speech!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A New Year a New Blog

Hey Everyone,

I'm back at this blogging bit by popular demands from the friends. So I hope you all enjoy updates from my lack luster life.

School is back in full swing again. Wah wah. I'm only taking enough hours to be considered full time, like most do. I filled my schedule with once again Gen-Ed's but, hopefully this be my last semester of those useless classes.  The only class I'm actually benefitting from this semesters thus far would be my pilates class. I'm taking it with two of my friends and we though it was just going to be a nice little walk in the park that might help us shed some winter weight...yeah, right.  The instructor makes us sweat our lives away by doing some of the most physically straining moves known to man, all while listening to Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. I think the music selection is the only plus side to the class. 

Along with school, I'm still slaving away at the good old Men's Wearhouse.  It's been unbearably slow this month but prom season is just around the corner.  When it hits March, will someone do periodic check-ups on me, just to make sure I haven't completely gone off the deep end.  I've actually been applying at a few other spots, which include Antropologie and Banana Republic, fingers crossed that I get out before those high schoolers come knocking on my door.

In other news. This last weekend I got to spend it with my family and a good, good, good friend here in Omaha.  They were all in town for a show choir competition. So, while we could, me and my dearest friend Abby snuck away for some coffee and great conversation, not to mention some bomb ass eye candy at Starbucks. Too bad that will be coming to an immediate halt because, Abby feels it's necessary to leave all of us and go out to Washington D.C. for a semester. I wish her the best and will be expecting a post card upon arrival.  Speaking of friends coming to town. Princess Jordan will be gracing me with her presence this Friday evening, for she will also be in town for a show choir competition.  I expect the night to be full of junk food, movies, and very inappropriate noises.

Well kiddo's, that's about all I got for now. I promise to try and keep at this. Until next time!